I'm not sure what it is about what I said that seems personal to any of you.
For those of you that are new on here
, you should do a little research.
I have always been a NU LOOK fan, though less of a fan of NU LOOK.
But above all, I have always been a KONPA FAN. I won't sugar coat anything to please any artist.
Their job is to produce music, my job as a consumer of said music is to listen and appreciate and critique where necessary.
So one thing any artist can always expect from me is the truth.
NU LOOK's latest album is subpar at best.
he has the worst English refrains ever on this album.
The whole thing is just very badly put together, musically and lyrically.
I don't doubt the album will do well because there are fans like some of you who will support whatever an artist spits out.
The result is they will never better themselves, and you fans complain oh konpa pa gen bon lyrics anko. neg konpa yo ap ranse. rap kreyol has better writers patatipatata.
No one gets a name recognition pass from me.
If it's great kudos!!! if it's bad try again.
as for JBEATS... When he gets a better singer to sing his songs I'll give him a listen.