PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:34 am
Here is a note that musician/cd retailer/music critic EDY BRISSEAUX sent us in regards to SWEET MICKY and his carnaval out of the blue.
EDY BRISSEAUX: "Re: Sweet Micky... We must not be sore losers! In the past, he bit the musiKRETENS, the politiCHIENS, and he did it again!
Micky kale tout Musikreten yo! Apre 5 an dabsans, Knaval Micky pi bon ke tout sa m tande yo. w..Commercial wise. Men sa yo rele met beton ak tout advantaj li genyen: LI PREZIDAN, LI GEN POUVWA, e LI GEN KOB. MINM TCHOUL MICKY YO PRAN NAN KIKI. A La yon honte! Micky merite prezidan lan figi nou vre!
*KOMPA MAGAZINE: MICKY fe ni Djakout/Tvice/Carimi/Kreyol La ak tout lot yo HONTE? Se sa wap di m la?
EDY BRISSEAUX: "KOREK. It is over for his government; nevertheless, he has begun with the repackaging process of the Woz thing...How smart!."
*KOMPA MAGAZINE: Does the fact that he is and will be a former President...makes him NOT able to go back to the BAD BOY Sweet Micky ways of the past; or does it does NOT matter/Perhaps he might still be a future force in the political game?
EDY BRISSEAUX: "If i were them I would continue the SOUSOU attitude rather than participating...kite met beton an jwe! Although I believe that he should have stayed away from this business at this level because not only has he held the highest office in the nation, but also his security will cost his team a fortune!
He is a Bandit GNG for life; nevertheless, he pretends not to care about the prestige that comes with this office, that is incorrect. He does want to stay in the game... that is why he accepts to leave on the 7th..He will remain a stakeholder!"
*KOMPA MAGAZINE: What future do you believe he has in the HMI in your opinion?
EDY BRISSEAUX: "Se la tristes la ye! Monte ke Exelans lan fe nan Mizik nou afekte kilti nou negativman. Yo telman promote l byen, yo fe l prezidan, ke m panse ki pat yon avantaj pou sosyete a... se sa k fe ou we tout moun panse ke yo ka prezidan. Avek kob li vin genyen, popularite, e men m yon figi entenasyonal...li ap yon danje pou HMI, ko m se sa ou mande m, paske li pa yon moun ki two curieux entelektuelman.
Kom yon ansyen Prezidan, li gen anpil pwa; ceci pwal fe l yon role model pou business lan to it's detriment. Kom yon machan mwen pwal fe kob depi m mete m an pozisyon."