DJAKOUT: 4 REASONS given by.......
PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 4:23 pm
*KOMPA MAGAZINE: Eske se CD Djakout la Ki pèdu chalè deja ou bien se fot Showbizz pou weekend Ki sot passe a la? Gen jaz ak promoteurs Ki gentan ap pale.
BOOGIE: "It has nothing to do with both neither Djakout’s Album and Showbizz. Djakout#1 still has the number one product out there, however there were many issues that affected the weekend.
1- Issues #1 Haiti current political situation.
2- Pouchon Rumors that was circulated all over the social media about the band Stuck in Haiti.
3- Nu Look last boat ride.
4- Dread Shoudly BBQ.
We still managed to have a nice boat ride although we did not reach our goal those who attended had a great time.."